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Nordgetreide GmbH & Co. KG

Zum Hafenplatz 1, 23570 Lübeck-Travemünde, Deutschland
Tel.:       +49 (0)451/ 6 19 68-0
Fax:       +49 (0)451/ 6 19 68-220


Sitz Lübeck, Amtsgericht Lübeck A 2417


egga GmbH, Sitz Lübeck,
Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 9408 HL


Jan Plambeck
David Langel
Andre Mehrwald

Ust.-Id. Nr. DE 135076139

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Jan-Hendrik Maag
Director Marketing & New Business


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Aus technischen oder betrieblichen Gründen kann der Empfang von E-Mail-Kommunikation gestört sein und/oder nicht rechtzeitig den Empfänger erreichen. Daher hat die Versendung von E-Mails an uns keine fristwahrende Wirkung und kann keine Fristen rechtsverbindlich setzen. Wir empfehlen, zeitkritische oder eilige Nachrichten zusätzlich per Post, Kurier oder Telefax zu übersenden. Falls Sie sicher sein wollen, dass Ihre E-Mail ordnungsgemäß empfangen worden ist, fordern Sie bitte von dem Empfänger eine schriftliche Empfangsbestätigung an. Wir unternehmen alle vernünftigerweise zu erwartenden Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, um das Risiko einer Übertragung von Computerviren zu verhindern. Wir sind jedoch nicht haftbar für Schäden, die durch Computerviren entstehen. Bitte führen Sie selber Überprüfungen auf Computerviren durch, bevor Sie E-Mails lesen, insbesondere bevor Sie Anhänge zu E-Mails öffnen. Die Kommunikation per E-Mail ist unsicher, da grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit der Kenntnisnahme und Manipulation durch Dritte besteht. Wir empfehlen, daher keine vertraulichen Daten unverschlüsselt per E-Mail zu versenden.

Unsere Grundsätze

Code of Conduct (CoC) of Nordgetreide GmbH & Co. KG for business partners

We, Nordgetreide GmbH & Co KG are committed to environmentally and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behaviour from all our business partners, especially suppliers and service providers. We also require our employees to respect the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour and to ensure they are integrated into the corporate culture. Furthermore, we strive to continuously optimise our business activities and our products in the sense of sustainability and call on our business partners to contribute to this effort to enable a holistic approach.

The Code of Conduct is based on national laws and regulations, such as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), to which we are subject, as well as international agreements such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Guidelines on Children’s Rights and Business Principles, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the International Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Global Compact and the International Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

Requirements for the Business Partner 

1. Social Responsibility

1.1 Non-Discrimination

Differences in treatment of employees in any form whatsoever are inadmissible unless they are justified by the requirements of employment. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, national, ethnic or social origin, skin colour, disability, health status, political convictions, ideology, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual must be respected.

1.2 Prohibition of Forced Labour

Any form of forced labour, slave labour or similar work is unacceptable to us and we expect our business partners to prohibit their use in business processes and supply chains. Employees must be treated with dignity and respect. All work must be voluntary and must be without penalty. Employees must be able to terminate work or employment at any time. Furthermore, workers must not be subjected to any unacceptable treatment, such as psychological hardship, sexual and personal harassment, and humiliation. The hiring or use of security forces shall be prohibited in the event of inhuman or degrading treatment or injury to any person during the deployment, or where the freedom of association is impaired.

1.3 Prohibition of Child Labour

Child labour must not be used at any stage of production. We ask our business partners to follow the recommendation of the ILO conventions on the minimum age for the employment of children. These conventions recommend that the age should not be lower than the age at which compulsory education ceases under the law of the place of employment and in any case not less than 15. If the business partner becomes aware of the employment of children, the business partner must document the measures to be taken to remedy the situation and to enable children to attend a school. The rights of young workers are to be respected. Employees under the age of 18 should not be used for work that is harmful to the health, safety or morality of children. Special protective measures must be observed.

1.4 Fair Remuneration

Remuneration for regular hours and overtime must be in line with the national statutory minimum wage or industry standards, whichever is higher. In any event, the remuneration for overtime must exceed the remuneration for regular hours. If the remuneration is not sufficient to cover the cost of the normal living and to build up a minimum of reserve of funds, the business partner is obliged to increase the remuneration accordingly. Employees must be provided with all benefits provided for by law. Wage deductions are not permissible as penalties. The business partner must ensure that employees are provided with clear, detailed and regular written information on the composition of their remuneration.

​​​​​​​1.5 Fair Working Hours

The working hours must comply with the applicable laws or industry standards. Overtime is allowed only if it is voluntary and does not exceed 12 hours per week; employees must be given at least one day off after six consecutive working days. The weekly working time shall not exceed 48 hours on a regular basis.

​​​​​​​1.6 Freedom of Association

The right of workers to set up and join organisations of their choice and to conduct collective bargaining and to go on strike must be respected. In cases where the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are restricted by law, alternative means of independent and free association of workers for the purpose of collective bargaining should be provided. Employees may not be discriminated against on the basis of their founding of, joining or membership in such an organisation. Employee representatives shall be granted free access to the workplaces of their colleagues to ensure that they are able to exercise their rights in a lawful and peaceful manner.

​​​​​​​1.7 Health and Safety at Work

The business partner is responsible for a safe and healthy working environment. Necessary preventive measures shall be taken against accidents and damage to health which may occur in connection with the activity, by establishing and implementing appropriate occupational safety systems. Excessive physical or mental fatigue is to be counteracted by taking appropriate measures. In addition, employees are to be regularly informed and trained about applicable health and safety standards and measures. Employees are to be provided with access to sufficient drinking water and to clean sanitation facilities.

​​​​​​​1.8 Disciplinary Measures

Sanctions, fines, other penalties or disciplinary measures may only be imposed in accordance with applicable national and international standards and internationally recognised human rights. Inappropriate disciplinary actions shall not be tolerated, in particular the withholding of salary, social benefits or confiscation of documents (e.g. identity cards) nor shall it be allowed to prevent an employee from leaving their workplace.

​​​​​​​1.9 Conservation of Natural Resources

The business partner must not breach legitimate rights for the purpose of dispossessing people of land, forests or water whose use ensures their livelihood. The business partner shall refrain from harmful changes to the soil, water and air pollution, noise emissions and excessive water consumption, if this damages the health of persons, significantly affects the natural basis for the production of food or prevents persons from having access to safe drinking water or sanitation.

Relevant raw materials and products subject to the EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (Regulation (EU) 2023/1115) may only be produced deforestation-free.

​​​​​​​1.10 Handling Conflict Minerals

For conflict minerals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, as well as for other raw materials such as cobalt, we are establishing processes in accordance with the guidelines of the OECD for the fulfilment of due diligence to promote responsible supply chains for minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and we also expect this from our business partners. Smelting and refining without adequate, audited due diligence processes should be avoided.

2. Environmental Responsibility

2.1 Treatment and Discharge of Industrial Waste Water

Waste water from industrial operations, manufacturing processes and sanitary installations are be typified, monitored, inspected and treated as necessary prior to discharge or disposal. In addition, measures should be introduced to reduce the production of waste water.

​​​​​​​2.2 Handling of Air Emission

General emissions from industrial operations (air and noise emissions) and greenhouse gas emissions shall be typified, routinely monitored, checked and, where necessary, treated before release. The business partner must also monitor its waste gas purification systems and is encouraged to find economical solutions to minimise any emissions.

​​​​​​​2.3 Management of Waste and Hazardous Substances

The business partner is to pursue a systematic approach to identifying, handling, reducing and responsibly disposing of or recycling solid waste. The bans on the export of hazardous waste laid down in the Basel Convention of 22 March 1989, as amended, must be observed. Chemicals or other materials presenting a hazard when released into the environment shall be identified and handled in such a way as to ensure safety when they are handled, transported, stored, used, recycled or reused and disposed of. Mercury shall be used in accordance with the prohibitions of the Minimata Convention of 10 October 2013 and persistent organic pollutants in accordance with the Stockholm Convention of 23 May 2001 as amended.

​​​​​​​2.4 Reducing Consumption of Raw Materials and Natural Resources

The use and consumption of resources during production and the generation of waste of all kinds, including water and energy, shall be reduced or avoided. This is to be done either directly at the place of origin or by means of methods and measures, for example by a change of the production and maintenance processes or other processes in the company, by using alternative materials, by saving, by recycling or by reusing materials.

​​​​​​​2.5 Energy Consumption/Efficiency

Energy consumption shall be monitored and documented. Economical solutions must be found to improve energy efficiency and minimise energy consumption.

3. Ethical Business Conduct

3.1 Fair Competition

The standards of fair business conduct, fair advertising and fair competition must be respected. In addition, the applicable anti-trust laws are applicable, which prohibit in particular collusion and other activities with competitors which influence prices or conditions. Furthermore, these rules prohibit agreements between customers and suppliers which restrict the freedom of customers to determine independently their prices and other conditions at the time of resale.

​​​​​​​3.2 Confidentiality/Data Protection

The business partner undertakes to meet the reasonable expectations of its client, suppliers, customers, consumers and employees with regard to the protection of private information. The business partner must comply with data protection and information security laws and official regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and passing on personal information.

​​​​​​​3.3 Intellectual Property

Intellectual property rights must be respected; technology and know-how must be transferred in a way that protects intellectual property rights and customer information.

​​​​​​​3.4 Integrity/Bribery, Improper Benefits

The highest standards of integrity shall be applied in all business activities. The business partner must follow a zero tolerance policy for the prohibition of all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement. Procedures for monitoring and enforcing standards shall be applied to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws.


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Dennis Schlobohm - TYPO3 Entwicklung